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Who We Are and What We Do

We're Locals

YIMBY Fort Collins is a grassroots group of unpaid, local volunteers. We had our first meeting at Bean Cycle in December 2022, when a few of us on the YIMBY Denver email list decided we needed a pro-housing voice to push back against the loud NIMBYism that had come to dominate the discourse. That small group became the leadership team (bios below). We live here and we love Fort Collins. We're happy to meet up with anyone for lunch or coffee in Old Town to chat about housing.

Our Housing Policy: All of the Above!

We need more housing options in Fort Collins. We say "YES" to all kinds of new homes, whether they be new shelters for the unhoused, new affordable apartments, or new market-rate homes. Removing the barriers to missing-middle housing is key to ending the housing crisis and part of our core mission, but we also worked hard to repeal U+2, continue to fight for better protections for renters, and advocate for more public funding for affordable housing. Check out our values and platform pages for all the details.

We're All Volunteers

Our volunteers host educational events like candidate forums, provide input at city council and state representative meetings, advocate for statewide housing reform, knock on doors for pro-housing candidates, and help change statewide housing policy. We need a stronger voice for housing in Fort Collins and Colorado if we're going to remain a place that has room for everyone to thrive. 

We are part of the national YIMBY Action 501c(4) nonprofit organization. They supply us with a local chapter budget of a few hundred dollars for things like food and supplies for events. See the difference our sister groups are making in Denver, Northern Virginia, Montana, Texas, and California.

That's YIMBY Fort Collins in a nutshell. Please join us to help make our city's housing policy work for everyone.